Hitting Leaders:
Average: Cameron Seitzer (.474, third in APP)
Slugging: Cameron Seitzer (.737, fourth in APP)
On Base Pct: Cameron Seitzer (.565, third in APP)
Hits: Cameron Seitzer (9, tied fifth in APP)
Doubles: Felix Gonzalez and Cameron Seitzer (2, tied seventh in APP)
Triples: Ryan Brett (2, tied first in APP)
Home Runs: Cameron Seitzer, Justin O'Conner, Taylor Motter, Junior Rodriguez and Josh Sale (1)
RBI’s: Cameron Seitzer (6, tied fifth in APP)
Stolen Bases: Taylor Motter and Drew Vettleson (4, tied first in APP)
Pitching Leaders:
ERA: Reinaldo Lopez (0.00, tied first in APP)
Wins: Felipe Rivero (2, first in APP)
Saves: Reinaldo Lopez and Marcus Jensen (1, tied fourth in APP)
Strikeouts: Felipe Rivero (12, third in APP)
Team Hitting Stats (league rank):
Average: .259 (6 of 10)
Slugging: .396 (6 of 10)
On Base Pct: .326 (6 of 10)
Hits: 55 (5 of 10)
Doubles: 8 (9 of 10)
Triples: 3 (3 of 10)
Home Runs: 5 (tied 4 of 10)
Runs Scored: 39 (1 of 10)
Stolen Bases: 17 (1 of 10)
Team Pitching Stats (rank):
ERA: 3.96 (4 of 10)
Runs Allowed: 25 (tied 2 of 10)
Strikeouts: 44 (9 of 10)
Walks: 15 (1 of 10)
Transactions: Jeff Ames added to roster (6/24/11). Jake Hager added to roster (6/24/11).
Injuries: None
The Week Ahead: 6/27/11-6/29/11: at Danville Braves (3-3). 6/30/11-7/3/11: at Bluefield Blue Jays (2-4).
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